Welcome to the new home of #beerclub. Since some concepts are bigger than 140 characters, I’ve created this page as a place to promote #beerclub and the things we’re doing in the club.
For those of you who have never heard of #beerclub, or don’t quite understand it, this first post is for you.
What is #beerclub?
Much like it sounds, we are an informal club of beer lovers who virtually meet once a week on Twitter to discuss a pre-selected Beer of the Week. Meetings are Monday Nights at 8PM Central time.
Where do I find out what the Beer of the Week is?
If you’re not already, you should follow me on Twitter. My name over there is @mitch_j. That is the most surefire way to find the Beer of the Week info. I try to tweet reminders periodically throughout the week as to what the beer is. If you can’t find one of the tweets, feel free to ask.
I also plan on posting information about the Beer of the Week on this site. Check back here and you should be able to find the listing.
How do I join in?
Monday nights are #beerclub nights. The festivities begin at 8:00 PM Central time. Follow the hashtag #beerclub to see what’s going on. Send a tweet using the #beerclub hashtag to join the conversation.
One of the easiest ways to keep up with #beerclub during a meeting is to log into tweetchat and follow the hashtag #beerclub.
How is the Beer of the Week selected?
I’m no beer genius so I rely on suggestions from you, the members of #beerclub, to help figure out the beers we’re drinking. I also have worked with a few local liquor stores for Beer of the Week Selections. Follow @blatzliquor, @blatzliquorjr, and @winecellarofwi for their insights on beer selections. I’ve got some ideas to keep the club interesting, so please keep an eye on this site for more details.
What if I can’t get the Beer of the Week?
Because very few craft breweries have nationwide distribution, unfortunately it’s hard for us to pick beers that are available to everyone who might be interested in participating in #beerclub. We’ve worked around this issue by offering up a Beer of the Week alternative. Usually the alternative is a beer in the same style as the “official” beer of the week selection.
If you have trouble finding the alternate beer, feel free to join us anyways. #beerclub is more about the conversation than it is about the beers. We welcome anyone to the conversation.
Does #beerclub ever meet in person?
We have had a few #beerclubfieldtrip drinkups where we have met in person. We’ve been on the Lakefront Brewery Tour, the Sprecher Brewery Tour and attended the Oktoberfest in Glendale WI. Check back here for more information about future outings.
Who Else is in #beerclub?
We’ve had quite a few people partake in at least one #beerclub meeting. I’ve created a list of members to make it easier to keep up with who’s joined in. I also maintain a list of breweries that have been featured in previous #beerclub meetings.
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